Sales Page Outline

Casey of The Quiet Collective had an important sales page that she needed written - but getting started felt like the hardest part. 

The quick-n-dirty deets:

  • 1 hour of Can You Write This For Me

  • She had her course all mapped out - but no sales page written

  • We got her sales page outlined and then some!

Wait… you can write a sales page in an hour?

Not really. 

An hour is aggressive, but I was able to outline the whole thing, then start filling in the blanks. 

Those ‘blanks’ included:

✅ Her entire first few sections of the page

✅ Guidance on where to put testimonials (and what kind would be best where) 

✅ Notes on how to format her sales page

✅ CTAs throughout the page


Need a great sales page?

Or just someone to help you beat blank page syndrome?

Shannon Pruitt

Word & Design Lover. General Officer of All Things (G.O.A.T) at Shannon Pruitt & Co. where we help modern entrepreneurs design a website that feels like home and pinpoints exactly what they want to say. Also loves a good glass of wine at night.

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