Welcome Sequence Emails

Melissa, the money coach behind Melissa Mitt Financials, recently had an influx of email subscribers - hooray! 🎉

She wanted to be sure she’d stand out against the noise in the online space while getting calls booked (because calls lead to sales in her world!).

The quick-n-dirty deets:

  • 1 hour of Can You Write This For Me

  • Her emails were written, but she didn’t think they ‘popped’

  • I edited, revised, and expanded her 4-email sequence!

Wait… 4 emails in just one hour!?

Yup! It really helped that Melissa had the emails written, even though they needed a lot of work. 

I was able to take what she had and either edit it down, build upon it, or make it better.


An ‘oopsie’

When I was done editing the 4 emails, Melissa sent me a message. She’d forgotten to tell me a crucial piece of information that changed the direction of the emails 🤦

Fortunately, the new flow of the emails made it easy for Melissa to swap out the right information and make small changes, while still getting the full benefit of everything I wrote!


The final product

Melissa originally had 4 long emails, each with different ‘purposes’ - but they didn’t really flow.

In 1 hour, I:

✅ Turned those 4 emails into 5, and they flowed perfectly!

✅ Wrote subject lines that will get opened

✅ Recorded an audio for her, explaining why some changes were made so that she can write better copy in the future


Need eyes on your emails?

Shannon Pruitt

Word & Design Lover. General Officer of All Things (G.O.A.T) at Shannon Pruitt & Co. where we help modern entrepreneurs design a website that feels like home and pinpoints exactly what they want to say. Also loves a good glass of wine at night.


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