1 Page Website
Jeremy of Cat-E-Corner had an existing website that he’d grown out of - and the conversion rates weren’t great.
His main goal was to make it sound more like ‘him’ while increasing the click-throughs and conversions.
The quick-n-dirty deets:
2 hours of Can You Write This For Me
He already had a website, but a lot of info was outdated
We rewrote his home & about pages so they were ready to send to design!
Is 2 hours enough for a website rewrite?
Usually, no. But Jeremy had an existing website and design that he wanted to work within, plus had a ton of branding resources to share with me.
This included:
His existing website
Branding information
Tons of notes on what he wanted to keep/change
New photos & ideas - and he articulated them really well!
His guidance - and a website that was relatively short & mostly written - helped make this an easy 2 hour project!
How it’s going
Jeremy wanted to get the most out of Can You Write This For Me,and he did exactly that! He knew he was looking for a band-aid approach for now. Once his product offerings expand, he’ll be back for a full website (home, services, about, etc) write through a VIP day.
But for now, he has:
A fully written home page
A fully written about page
Ideas for email copy when he’s ready to launch!ll getting the full benefit of everything I wrote!
Next Steps
Jeremy works full time while getting this passion project off the ground.
Getting this website out of his head and into the world is HUGE. Now, he’s working to advertise and share it in the right places so that he can see his conversions soar!